The CADI® Optiview UNO is a simple-to-use intra-oral camera that integrates perfectly into CADI®. It offers full 720P clear and bright images with a fixed focus range that is ideal to communicate with your patients.
Only CADI® intra-oral cameras allow you to move through the intra-oral camera mount, capture and save images directly into the mount, by tooth number. This makes CADI® cameras much easier and faster to use for emergency patients, new patient exams, and all patient communications.
Pick up the camera from its holder and the LED light turns on. Return the camera to its holder and the LED lights turns off when camera is idle.
A combination of quality lens design and CMOS sensor offer a high resolution 720P (1280×720) image. Optiview UNO is ideal for routine images of a single to several teeth.
No docking stations are required. The Optiview UNO connects directly to a USB port on your computer or to a USB extension cable. It features a solid, long-lasting reinforcement between cable and camera.
CADI POM (Peace of Mind) is a comprehensive program to supply state of the art x-ray and imaging software, as well as service, support and discounts for all your x-ray and intra-oral camera products.
Software value of up to $8000, upgrade maintenance value of $1000 per year
There is no need to buy your imaging software up front. You will be supplied with a license to use CADI on all your workstations. In addition, the programming team works continually to improve and update CADI. You not only benefit from new features, but you also maintain your x-ray and imaging system compatible with the continual changes in dental imaging equipment, PCs and networks, and the Windows operating environment.
Value of $112 per call/issue
Your CADI technical support team will provide you with unlimited technical support calls to deal with all issues related to the satisfactory operation of your CADI software and imaging and x-ray equipment used on the CADI system. Note that some issues relating to the functioning and troubleshooting of non-Synca x-ray and imaging equipment must be resolved by the respective equipment vendor.
Value of $250-$500 per incident
For X-ray sensors, intra-oral cameras and other imaging equipment that is repairable, both during and post-warranty, you will benefit from a free loaner product, while your existing product(s) is being serviced. An identical or similar product will be provided for the duration of the repair.
You will receive: Free shipment of loaner equipment to your office, free return of your defective product to Synca, free shipment of your replacement product to your office and a free return of your loaner product to Synca.
Minimum value of 15% off the already low direct purchase price
Should you experience failure due to accidental damage or other non-warranty failure, you can exchange your defective product for a new product with a new warranty at a special discounted price.
Minimum Value of 5% off the already low direct purchase price
You may purchase digital x-ray sensors, intra-oral cameras, and extra-oral imaging equipment at low direct prices and, as a POM client, you will receive an additional discount.
Smart SOLUTIONS for your success!