Synca was one of the 1st companies to offer professional whitening to Canadian dentists. Our traditional Brilliance formula has now been updated with a higher strength formula and sensitivity-reducing additives for reduced wear times. Brilliance new formula is for fast-acting day wear, with treatment times as little as 30-45 minutes per day for up to 10 days. Use as a stand-alone treatment, for ongoing touch-ups, or in conjunction with an in-office treatment.
You will appreciate the consistent and reliable results you will get with the Brilliance whitening system. Synca introduced one of the 1st whitening systems to Canada as a result of a 2 year clinical study with University of Montreal. The new Brilliance formula now offers even faster whitening results and contains additives for sensitivity reduction.
Introducing and maintaining an active whitening program in a dental practice has shown to increase demand for overall esthetic dentistry treatments as well as for all dental treatments. The low cost of the Brilliance system can allow practices to offer competitive prices to keep whitening in the dental practice, resulting in increased profitably in both direct and indirect treatments.
Smart SOLUTIONS for your success!