Livre «Esthetics Posture Function» du Dr Lorenzo Vanini

(Livre en anglais)

The modern approach to the patient can no longer ignore a comprehensive view of the human body. This work shows the anatomical connections that unequivocally demonstrate the relationships between occlusion and posture. Hundreds of clinical images allow the reader to understand all aspects of treating patients with postural syndrome, from developing the treatment plan to follow-up checks over time. Cases of restorative dentistry, prosthetics on natural teeth and implants, fixed and functional orthodontics are presented. The comparison between new and old adhesive materials aims to illustrate which materials or techniques are more effective, from an occlusal and aesthetic standpoint, based on the specific issue being addressed.

• Dr. Lorenzo Vanini
• Dr. Camillo D’Arcangello

Stefano Mastroberardino

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